Avocado Ice Cream
Avocado Ice Cream
My family enjoys avocados. I use avocados in making dips, California sushi rolls , salads and as a mayo replacement for sandwiches. I also use avocados to make cleansing facial masks. :)
Is avocado a fruit or a veggie? According to about.com -" the avocado is widely considered a vegetable, since it is commonly used in salads. However, it is actually a fruit that tastes like a vegetable, and most markets display it with other typical fruits."
Since I haven't tried to make dessert out of an avocado, now shall we experiment.This recipe doesn't require a machine to make avocado ice cream.
2 Haas avocados peeled & pitted
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1/3 cup condensed milk
1 cup whipped cream
In a food processor or blender, puree the avocados until smooth, then gradually add the evaporated milk and condensed milk. Then fold gently with the whipping cream. Pour the avocado mixture in a glass or plastic container with a lid & freeze for 2-3 hrs. Take the container out of the freezer and start mixing the ice cream with a fork. Freeze overnight. Just before serving, let it sit in the fridge for few min until the cream softens a bit, then serve.
Here are some of the health benefits of Avocados as stated in the Nutrient Profile by Mobile Avocado Central website:
Avocados contribute nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, including 4% of the recommended daily value. (DV) for vitamin E, 4% vitamin C, 8% folate, 4% fiber, 2% iron, 4% potassium, with 81 micrograms of lutein and 19 micrograms of beta-carotene.
And good info on how to select ripe avocados:
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