My First Attempt To Make Macarons

It was the summer of last year when I made my first attempt at baking French Macarons. Since then,  I've spent many days in the kitchen practicing various recipes and methods from cookbooks, websites and YouTube. Sometimes they turned out really good and other times not so good.

Baking these yummy treats is a challenge because getting these little guys right can be tricky. But, after lots of trials and error I finally got the technique right and they are delicious!

I made Swiss macarons the other day, and what a delight they were, but my favorites are the Italian macarons; absolutely fantastic! One of the main differences in the Italian method is making the meringue, it is prepared by heating the sugar in a saucepan to 230 Farenheit, which is 130 Celcius, on the stove and then gradually mixed with the white eggs while whipping. It is more worth the effort that results in a lighter, melt in your mouth cookie.

As far as the fillings goes, I don't like it too sweet. Making the fillings a little less sugar is what makes it so delicious.

I used this website's recipe to make my first attempt  and they turned out perfect without any large hollow spaces. 😊🍪


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